| Top Ten Sexually Explicit Lines From Star Wars
Top Ten Sexually Explicit Lines From Star Wars
10. "Get in there you big furry oaf, I don't care what you smell!" 9. "Luke, at that speed do you think you'll be able to pull out in time?" 8. "Put that thing away before you get us all killed." 7. "You've got something jammed in here real good." 6. "Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?" 5. "You came in that thing? You're braver than I thought." 4. "Sorry about the mess..." 3. "Look at the size of that thing!" 2. "Curse my metal body, I wasn't fast enough!" 1. "She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts, kid."
From The Empire Strikes Back
10. "I thought that hairy beast would be the end of me." 9. "Size matters not. Judge me by my size, do you?" 8. "There's an awful lot of moisture in here." 7. "But now we must eat. Come, good food, come..." 6. "That's okay, I'd like to keep it on manual control for a while." 5. "Hurry up, golden-rod..." 4. "I must have hit it pretty close to the mark to get her al riled up like that, huh kid?" 3. "Possible he came in through the south entrance." 2. "And I thought they smelled bad on the outside!" 1. "Control, control! You must learn control!"
Return of the Jedi
10. "I look forward to completing your training. In time you will call me master." (Emperor) 9. "You're a jittery little thing, aren't you?" (Leia) 8. "Someone must've told them about my little maneuver at the battle of Taanab." (Lando) 7. "There is good in him, I've felt it." (Luke) 6. "If I told you half the things I've heard about this Jabba the Hutt, you'd probably short circuit." (C3PO) 5. "I assure you, Lord Vader, my men are working as fast as they can." (Jerjerrod), with reply "Perhaps I can find new ways to motivate them." (Darth) 4. "Grab me Chewie. I'm slipping -- hold on. Grab it, almost...you almost got it. Gently now, all right, easy, easy, hold me, Chewie, Chewie!" (Han) 3. "Short help's better than no help at all." (Han) 2. "Hey, Luke, thanks for coming after me -- now I owe you one." (Han) 1. "Back door, huh? Good idea!" (Han)
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